McDonald's Promos
Pokemon Singles » Pokemon Other Sets » McDonald's Promos
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Alolan Diglett - 9/12 - Holo - McDonald's Promo 2017
Ability: | Attack #1: Hole Search Look at the top 3 cards of your deck and put them back on top of your deck in any order. | Attack #2: M Mud-Slap (10) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 9/12 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 50 | Illustrator: Magumi Mizutani | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Alolan Diglett | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: McDonalds Promos | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fire
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Alolan Dugtrio - 11/12 - McDonald's Promo 2019
Ability: | Attack #1: [0] Gold Rush (30x) Discard any number of Metal Energy cards from your hand. This attack does 30 damage for each card you discarded in this way. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 11/12 | Card Type: Metal | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 60 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Alolan Dugtrio | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: | Set: McDonald's Promos 2019 | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
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Alolan Exeggutor - 2/12 - McDonald's Promo 2019
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: [G] Tropical Shake: 20+ damageThis attack does 20 more damage for each type of basic Energy card in your discard pile. you can't add more than 100 damage in this way. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 2/12 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 160 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Alolan Exeggutor | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: McDonalds Promos | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
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Alolan Meowth - 10/12 - McDonald's Promo 2019
Ability: | Attack #1: [.] Spoil the Fun: 10+ damage. If you go second, this attack does 60 more damage during your first turn. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 10/12 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 60 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Alolan Meowth | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: McDonalds Promos | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fighting
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Alolan Meowth - 8/12 - Holo - McDonald's Promo 2017
Ability: | Attack #1: Fury Swipes (10x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 8/12 | Card Type: Darkness | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Kimeno | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Alolan Meowth | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: Psychic | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: McDonalds Promos | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fighting
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Alolan Sandshrew - 4/12 - McDonald's Promo 2019
Ability: | Attack #1: [0] Fury Swipes (10x)Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 4/12 | Card Type: Water | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 60 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Alolan Sandshrew | Rarity: Promotional | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: McDonalds Promos | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Metal