Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit
Pokemon Singles » Pokemon Other Sets » Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit
Bianca - 015/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 015/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Supporter) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Bianca | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Carnivine - 004/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: GC Startling Bite (20+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage and discard an Energy attached to the opponent's Pokémon. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 004/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 80 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Carnivine | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: W-20 | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: R×2
Cheren - 014/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 014/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Supporter) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Cherubi - 003/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: C Double Spin (10×) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 003/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 40 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Cherubi | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: W-20 | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: R×2
Crushing Hammer - 009/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 009/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Crushing Hammer | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Crustle - 007/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Hard Press (30) Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: GCC Hammer In (70) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 007/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Saito | Manufacturer: | Name: Crustle | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: R×2
Double Colorless Energy - 016/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 016/016 | Card Type: | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Double Colorless Energy | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Dwebble - 006/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: GC Bug Bite (20) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 006/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 60 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Dwebble | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: R×2
Energy Switch - 009/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 009/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Energy Switch | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Genesect - 008/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: G Slash (20) | Attack #2: CCCC Gun Blaster (50+) Does 20 more damage for each Grass Energy attached to this Pokémon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 008/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 110 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Genesect | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: R×2
Giant Cape - 013/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 013/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Giant Cape | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Gothita - 007/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Trip Over (10+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 007/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 50 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Gothita | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: P×2
Grass Energy - — - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: — | Card Type: | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Grass Energy | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Great Ball - 010/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 010/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Great Ball | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Mewtwo - 001/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Power Edge (30) | Attack #2: PPCC Psycho Strike (120) Discard 2 Energy attached to this Pokémon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 001/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 120 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: P×2
Misdreavus - 002/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: PC Hollow Shot (20) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 002/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 60 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Misdreavus | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: D
Mismagius - 003/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: PC Absorb Life (30) Heal 10 damage from this Pokémon. | Attack #2: PCC Hollow Shot (70) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 003/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 100 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Mismagius | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: D
Pokemon Catcher - 012/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 012/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Pokémon Catcher | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Psychic Energy - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: — | Card Type: | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Psychic Energy | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Rocky Helmet - 013/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 013/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Rocky Helmet | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Sableye - 004/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: PC Tight Jaw (30) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 004/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 70 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Sableye | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: None
Sewaddle - 005/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: CC Gnaw (20) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 005/016 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 50 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Sewaddle | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: R×2
Solosis - 008/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: P Nap ( ) Heal 20 damage from this Pokémon. | Attack #2: PC Ram (20) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 008/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 30 | Illustrator: Kouki Saitou | Manufacturer: | Name: Solosis | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: None | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Basic | Weakness: P×2
Switch - 011/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 011/016 | Card Type: Trainer (Item) | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Switch | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 0 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: | Weakness:
Swoobat - 006/016 - Deck
Ability: | Attack #1: C Energy Gift ( ) Flip a coin, If heads, search your deck for 2 Psychic Energy cards and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Shuffle your deck afterward.. | Attack #2: P Heart Stamp (30) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 006/016 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 80 | Illustrator: | Manufacturer: | Name: Swoobat | Rarity: Deck | Resistance: F-20 | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Mewtwo vs Genesect Deck Kit | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: L×2