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Pokemon Singles » Pokemon Other Sets » Aquapolis

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Muk - H17/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Heavyweight - As long as there is a Grass Energy attached to Muk, you must pay an additional 2 Colorless to retreat it. | Attack #1: CC Burning Sludge (10) Flip a number of coins equal to the amount of Grass Energy attached to Muk. If any of them are heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Poisoned and Burned. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H17/32 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Hajime Kusajima | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Muk | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $77.95
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Slowking - 34/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: C Bursting Hand (10x) Look at your opponent's hand. This attack does 10 damage times the number of Energy cards there are. | Attack #2: PCC Shuffle Attack (40) Look at a number of cards on top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of Energy cards attached to the Defending Pokmon. Put those cards in any order, and then put them back on top of your opponent's deck. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 34/147 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 80 | Illustrator: Aya Kusube | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Slowking | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Psychic
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $13.70
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Sudowoodo - 36/147 - Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: C Copy Choose 1 of the Defending Pokmon's attacks. Copy copies that attack. This attack does nothing if Sudowoodo doesn't have the Energy necessary to use that attack. (You must still do anything else required in order to use that attack.) | Attack #2: F Energy Draw Search your deck for a basic Energy card and attach it to Sudowoodo. Shuffle your deck afterward. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 36/147 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 60 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Sudowoodo | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $9.45
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Togetic - 39/147 - Rare
Ability: Miracle Shift - Once during your turn (before your attack), discard a basic Energy card attached to one of your Pokmon. Then choose a basic Energy card from your discard pile and attach it to that Pokmon. This power can't be used if Togetic is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: C Mini-Metronome Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of the Defending Pokmon's attacks. Mini-Metronome copies that attack except for its Energy cost. (You must still do anything else required in order to use that attack.) (No matter what type the Defending Pokmon is, Togetic is still Colorless). Togetic performs that attack. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 39/147 | Card Type: Colorless | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 60 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Togetic | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Fighting | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $6.90
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Aipom - 67/147 - Common
Ability: | Attack #1: C Stretch Tail Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokmon and this attack does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokmon.) | Attack #2: CC Skedaddle (20) Return Aipom and all basic Energy cards attached to it to your hand. If you have no Benched Pokmon, this attack does nothing. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 67/147 | Card Type: Colorless | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 50 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Aipom | Rarity: Common | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Aipom - 67/147 - Common - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: C Stretch Tail Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your opponent's Benched Pokmon and this attack does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokmon.) | Attack #2: CC Skedaddle (20) Return Aipom and all basic Energy cards attached to it to your hand. If you have no Benched Pokmon, this attack does nothing. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 67/147 | Card Type: Colorless | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 50 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Aipom | Rarity: Common | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ampharos - 1/147 - Rare
Ability: Poke-Body | Attack #1: L Thundershock (20) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: LLC Reflect Energy (50) If you have any Benched Pokmon and if there are any basic Energy cards attached to Ampharos, take 1 of those Energy cards and attach it to 1 of those Pokmon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 1/147 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ampharos - 1/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: L Thundershock (20) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: LLC Reflect Energy (50) If you have any Benched Pokmon and if there are any basic Energy cards attached to Ampharos, take 1 of those Energy cards and attach it to 1 of those Pokmon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 1/147 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ampharos - H1/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: L Thundershock (20) Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: LLC Reflect Energy (50) If you have any Benched Pokmon and if there are any basic Energy cards attached to Ampharos, take 1 of those Energy cards and attach it to 1 of those Pokmon. | Attack #3: | Card Number: H1/32 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 100 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fighting
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Apricorn Forest - 118/147 - Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 118/147 | Card Type: Trainer - Stadium | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: | Illustrator: Midori Harada | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Apricorn Forest | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: | Weakness:
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Apricorn Forest - 118/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 118/147 | Card Type: Trainer - Stadium | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: | Illustrator: Midori Harada | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Apricorn Forest | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: | Weakness:
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Arcanine - 2/147 - Rare
Ability: Extreme Speed - You pay Colorless less to retreat Arcanine for each Energy attached to it. | Attack #1: CCC Fire Blow (30+) You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Arcanine when you use this attack. If you do, flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fire Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 2/147 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Arcanine | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Arcanine - 2/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Extreme Speed - You pay Colorless less to retreat Arcanine for each Energy attached to it. | Attack #1: CCC Fire Blow (30+) You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Arcanine when you use this attack. If you do, flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fire Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 2/147 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Arcanine | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Arcanine - H2/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Extreme Speed - You pay Colorless less to retreat Arcanine for each Energy attached to it. | Attack #1: CCC Fire Blow (30+) You may discard any number of Fire Energy cards attached to Arcanine when you use this attack. If you do, flip a number of coins equal to the number of Fire Energy cards you discarded. This attack does 30 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H2/32 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Kyoko Umemoto | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Arcanine | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Water
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ariados - 3/147 - Rare
Ability: Gluey Slime - As long as Ariados is in play, each player must pay an additional Colorless to retreat his or her Active Pokmon. Gluey Slime can't make a player pay more than an additional Colorless to retreat a Pokmon, even if there is more than 1 Ariados in play. | Attack #1: GC Spider Force (20+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, this attack does 20 damage and the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 3/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ariados | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ariados - 3/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Gluey Slime - As long as Ariados is in play, each player must pay an additional Colorless to retreat his or her Active Pokmon. Gluey Slime can't make a player pay more than an additional Colorless to retreat a Pokmon, even if there is more than 1 Ariados in play. | Attack #1: GC Spider Force (20+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, this attack does 20 damage and the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 3/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ariados | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ariados - H3/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Gluey Slime - As long as Ariados is in play, each player must pay an additional Colorless to retreat his or her Active Pokmon. Gluey Slime can't make a player pay more than an additional Colorless to retreat a Pokmon, even if there is more than 1 Ariados in play. | Attack #1: GC Spider Force (20+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 damage plus 10 more damage. If tails, this attack does 20 damage and the Defending Pokmon is now Paralyzed. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H3/32 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Shin-ichi Yoshida | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Ariados | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Azumarill - 4/147 - Rare
Ability: Bubble Turn - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Azumarill is on your bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, return Azumarill and all cards attached to it to your hand. | Attack #1: WCC Aqua Sonic (40) Don't apply Resistance. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 4/147 | Card Type: Water | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Azumarill | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Azumarill - 4/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Bubble Turn - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Azumarill is on your bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, return Azumarill and all cards attached to it to your hand. | Attack #1: WCC Aqua Sonic (40) Don't apply Resistance. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 4/147 | Card Type: Water | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Azumarill | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Azumarill - H4/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Bubble Turn - Once during your turn (before your attack), if Azumarill is on your bench, you may flip a coin. If heads, return Azumarill and all cards attached to it to your hand. | Attack #1: WCC Aqua Sonic (40) Don't apply Resistance. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H4/32 | Card Type: Water | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 70 | Illustrator: Kagemaru Himeno | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Azumarill | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 1 | Weakness: Lightning
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Bellossom - 5/147 - Rare
Ability: Flower Supplement - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 basic Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Benched Pokmon. This power can't be used if Bellossom is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: GGC Knife Leaf (30x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 5/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Sumiyoshi Kizuki | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Bellossom | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Water | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Bellossom - 5/147 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: Flower Supplement - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 basic Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Benched Pokmon. This power can't be used if Bellossom is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: GGC Knife Leaf (30x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 5/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Sumiyoshi Kizuki | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Bellossom | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: Water | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Bellossom - H5/32 - Holo Rare
Ability: Flower Supplement - Once during your turn (before your attack), you may flip a coin. If heads, attach 1 basic Energy card from your hand to 1 of your Benched Pokmon. This power can't be used if Bellossom is affected by a Special Condition. | Attack #1: GGC Knife Leaf (30x) Flip 3 coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: H5/32 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Holo | HP: 90 | Illustrator: Sumiyoshi Kizuki | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Bellossom | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: Water | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Bellsprout - 45/147 - Uncommon
Ability: | Attack #1: GC Blot (20) Remove 1 damage counter from Bellsprout. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 45/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Regular | HP: 50 | Illustrator: Masako Yamashita | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Bellsprout | Rarity: Uncommon | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Bellsprout - 45/147 - Uncommon - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: GC Blot (20) Remove 1 damage counter from Bellsprout. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 45/147 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: 1st | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 50 | Illustrator: Masako Yamashita | Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast | Name: Bellsprout | Rarity: Uncommon | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 1 | Set: Aquapolis | Stage: Basic | Weakness: Fire
Aquapolis: No conditions in stock. $0.00

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