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Secret Wonders

Pokemon Singles » Pokemon Other Sets » Secret Wonders

Ability: Attack #1:
Attack #2: Attack #3:
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Gardevoir Lv. X - 131/132 - Rare Holo LV.X - Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 2 Bring Down - Choose 1 Pok | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 131/132 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Ryo Ueda | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Gardevoir Lv. X | Rarity: Rare Holo LV.X | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Level Up | Weakness: 1 x2
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $29.95
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Charizard - 3/132 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 4 Blast Burn (120) Flip a coin. If heads, discard 2 Energy cards attached to Charizard. If tails, discard 4 Energy cards attached to Charizard. (If you can't, this attack does nothing.) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 3/132 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Daisuke Ito | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Charizard | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: 20-Jan | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +40
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $26.30
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Ampharos - 1/132 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 4 Cluster Bolt (70) You may discard all Energy attached to Ampharos. If you do, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pok | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 1/132 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kouki Saitou | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: 20-Jan | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +30
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Ampharos - 1/132 - Holo Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 4 Cluster Bolt (70) You may discard all Energy attached to Ampharos. If you do, this attack does 20 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pok | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 1/132 | Card Type: Lightning | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kouki Saitou | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Ampharos | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Charizard - 3/132 - Holo Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 4 Blast Burn (120) Flip a coin. If heads, discard 2 Energy cards attached to Charizard. If tails, discard 4 Energy cards attached to Charizard. (If you can't, this attack does nothing.) | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 3/132 | Card Type: Fire | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Daisuke Ito | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Charizard | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Gallade - 6/132 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 2 Sonic Blade - Put Damage counters on the Defending Pok | Attack #2: 3 Psychic Cut (60+) You may choose as many of your face-down Prize cards as you like and put them face up. If you do, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage for each Prize card you choose. (These cards remain face up for the rest of the game.) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 6/132 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Daisuke Ito | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Gallade | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +30
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Gallade - 6/132 - Holo Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 2 Sonic Blade - Put Damage counters on the Defending Pok | Attack #2: 3 Psychic Cut (60+) You may choose as many of your face-down Prize cards as you like and put them face up. If you do, this attack does 60 damage plus 20 more damage for each Prize card you choose. (These cards remain face up for the rest of the game.) | Attack #3: | Card Number: 6/132 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Daisuke Ito | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Gallade | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Golem - 29/132 - Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 3 Double Throw - Choose 2 of your opponent's Pok | Attack #2: 4 Megaton Rock (80) You may do 40 damage instead of 80 to the Defending Pok | Attack #3: | Card Number: 29/132 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Naoyo Kimura | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Golem | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: 20-Jan | Retreat Cost: 4 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +30
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Golem - 29/132 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 3 Double Throw - Choose 2 of your opponent's Pok | Attack #2: 4 Megaton Rock (80) You may do 40 damage instead of 80 to the Defending Pok | Attack #3: | Card Number: 29/132 | Card Type: Fighting | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Naoyo Kimura | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Golem | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 4 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Nidoking - 34/132 - Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 2 Poison Rub (20) The Defending Pok | Attack #2: 4 Pride Attack (60+) Flip a coin for each Nidoqueen on your Bench. This attack does 60 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 34/132 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Regular | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kouki Saitou | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Nidoking | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +30
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Nidoking - 34/132 - Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 2 Poison Rub (20) The Defending Pok | Attack #2: 4 Pride Attack (60+) Flip a coin for each Nidoqueen on your Bench. This attack does 60 damage plus 30 more damage for each heads. | Attack #3: | Card Number: 34/132 | Card Type: Psychic | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kouki Saitou | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Nidoking | Rarity: Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 2 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Venusaur - 20/132 - Holo Rare
Ability: | Attack #1: 3 Giant Bloom (60) Flip a coin. If heads, remove 4 damage counters from Venusaur. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 20/132 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kazuyuki Kano | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Venusaur | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness: 1 +30
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00
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Venusaur - 20/132 - Holo Rare - Reverse Holo
Ability: | Attack #1: 3 Giant Bloom (60) Flip a coin. If heads, remove 4 damage counters from Venusaur. | Attack #2: | Attack #3: | Card Number: 20/132 | Card Type: Grass | Condition: | Edition: | Finish: Reverse Holo | HP: 130 | Illustrator: Kazuyuki Kano | Manufacturer: The Pokemon Company | Name: Venusaur | Rarity: Holo Rare | Resistance: | Retreat Cost: 3 | Set: Secret Wonders | Stage: Stage 2 | Weakness:
Secret Wonders: No conditions in stock. $0.00

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